Our New Allergy Designs

‘Allergy’ is the most common chronic disease in Europe and it’s no wonder perhaps that parents are concerned about what they can do to reduce the risk of food allergies affecting their baby or child. One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to alert anyone who is looking after your child, including staff at their nursery and school.

My Nametags have developed a set of ‘allergy’ label designs which you can customise with your child’s name and apply to their bag, lunch box, water bottles, milk bottles or anywhere else you feel they may be effective. You can design your set of My Nametags labels here.

Around 90% of allergic reactions are usually caused by just a few foods.

The key foods are:

Image of a milk allergy tag



Image of an egg allergy tag


Wheat allergy tag




Fish allergy tag


Image of a shellfish allergy tag


Other foods that cause allergies fairly frequently are soy, sesame, kiwi and pulses. High histamine levels in tomatoes and strawberries often cause rashes on the skin after eating but it is rare for these foods to be “allergens”.

UK-IE Sulphates R

Sulphates (SO²)     

Sulphites are preservatives added to food and drinks to extend shelf life. Sulphites can cause unpleasant symptoms including lung irritation and asthma. An allergic to sulphites is normally extremely rare.

UK-IE Celery R


Allergic reactions to celery (sticks, leaves, spice and seed), when they do occur, can be severe. People with celery allergy should also avoid celariac.

UK-IE Soya R


Soya is a food protein derived from the soya bean, which is a legume. Soya beans may be eaten fresh but are more usually dried. They are often called edamame when fresh or frozen. There are two types of soya allergy: immediate and delayed.

UK-IE Sesame R


The incidence of sesame seed allergy appears to have risen dramatically over the past two decades and this rise is probably linked to its increased use. Other seeds can cause allergic reactions but sesame appears to be the most common to do so.

UK-IE Lupin R


The seeds of the lupin garden flower are crushed to make lupin flour, which can be used in baked goods such as pastries, pies, pancakes and in pasta. It is common in gluten-free products.


Dander (fur)

We love our pets but sometimes the dander from our furry friends can cause allergies. Pollen can do likewise, so we’ve got allergy designs for those too.

Image of pollen allergy tag


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